Friday, September 7, 2007

Qual Notes 9/7

Key Aspects of Academic Journal Article

Longish 20-25 pages
Written formally
Few Pictures
Project Description, data, conclusions

Litureature Review
often includes ends with research questions and hypotheses
what we know already on the topic
definitions used by others that you're going to use or refute
methods used by others and why they're good or bad for your project

why they did what they did
how they did it
where they did it
known researcher bias or involvement

the story what you found out
lots of qutoes from the participants
should make sense when other people read it not seem fantastical or illogical
ground the story in your data thats the important stuff

might be part of findings/results
big picture summary of what it all means
readdresses the research question and helps to put it into some bigger context
describes what could be done to make project better
describes what could be studied next

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